Dirty Blonde

Sunday, November 13, 2005


For some unknown reason I volunteered to work yesterday. It was actually Slutgirl's turn but she had things to do. None of the other managers wanted to work two Saturdays in a row. I chose to take Thursday off since we were closed on Friday. This had to be the most interesting Saturday that I have worked yet.

Overall, the day went fairly well. I had a few customers whom I had to talk to because they had their panties in a knot. Most of our customers are elderly. Who am I kidding? They are all fuckin' ancient. This is the reason why when a hot guy does walk into the bank, the phones start buzzing. "Hey DB, check it out 10 o'clock." The temperature suddenly rises and the girls all forget how to do anything. There is one guy in particular that gets all of the girls hot and bothered. Alas, he didn't grace us with his presence yesterday. Okay, okay, okay! I stop talking about the hotties and get on with the events of the day.

It was just about time to lock the bank up. We close at 3pm on Saturdays. I was in the BM's office going over the projects for next week. Guess who I will delegate those to? As we were talking, I heard a screeching sound followed by a loud crash. Then I heard DJ yell "Ooooh shit!"

My BM jumped up and took off towards the front door. I later learned that his wife was waiting outside for him and he thought someone had hit her car. I ran out of the office and saw Vic walking out the front door with our BM trailing behind him.

When I got to the door, I couldn't believe what I saw. Someone had ran over the curb and crashed into the pillar next to our door. They didn't bump it. They fucking nailed it. The car was totaled. People were screaming "Call 911!"

The crashers were old. I mean OLD! At first I thought that they were backing up and had put it in drive instead of reverse. This is a common thing with the elderly down here. The are looking behind them and don't realize that they are going forward until CRASH! This unfortunately was not the case with this couple. Vic happened to at that door because he was locking it so we could close for the day. He was watching these people pull in so he waited because he knew he was going to have to tell them that we were closed.

Here's what they did. They pulled into the parking space and stopped. Next, they just rocket forward and crash into us. If they had picked the next parking place over, they would have ran right through our glass doors and directly over Vic.

Here's what freaks me out. These people are driving on the same roads as me. The old man said that he though that he hit the brake. I don't believe that he was telling the truth. His foot was already on the brake. He stopped before he slammed into us. He had to remove his foot from the brake and place it on the accelerator. He also had to of slammed down on the accelerator hard. I can't describe how bad this car looked. I'm sure it will have a salvage title on it soon. Had they not been wearing their seatbelts, they would have went through the windshield. I'm sure they are feeling it today though.

I would also guess that this guy got his license renewed through the mail. Fuck, I hate Florida!

Posted by drunkbh :: 10:41:00 AM :: 26 comments

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