Dirty Blonde

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Why I didn't go to sleep until 2am

Do you ever get caught up in a conversation that lasts way too long?

This part was regarding where I should get a tattoo.

drunkbh: small of the back?
wichi_d2: It looks like you want to be fucked doggie and place your shot in the middle
drunkbh: And that's a bad thing?
wichi_d2: dependin on who yeah

Talking about what to get a friend for her birthday. I'm not sure how the conversation evolved to this.

wichi_d2: give her a hug and five pounds of meat... NO pun intended
drunkbh: 5 lbs
drunkbh: uh huh?
wichi_d2: ... you know how heavy is five pounds for it to be a part of male genetelia?
drunkbh: I'm guessing way way toooooooo big
wichi_d2: it would hurt carrying it around
wichi_d2: and at 5 pounds, Im guessing its not very stable
wichi_d2: nor able to get very ah solid
wichi_d2: just imagine all the blood that has go there, the guy might die
drunkbh: he would pass out
drunkbh: no blood in his head
drunkbh: the one above his neck

Conversation regarding therapy for premature ejaculation

wichi_d2: do we take tickets or make an appoinment how does it work?
drunkbh: try an appointment
drunkbh: I'm taking appointments now
wichi_d2: can I have the sunday at 9 o'clock?
drunkbh: ummm
drunkbh: ley me check my calender
drunkbh: how about 10:30
wichi_d2: nah it wont leave enough time for the football game
drunkbh: your loss
wichi_d2: how bout quickies during commercials

The best part of the conversation

wichi_d2: the other day on the radio this guy called in
wichi_d2: he said that hes got a problem
wichi_d2: that when he have sex with his gf, he would suck on her toes and get off on it.
wichi_d2: however heres the kicker
wichi_d2: while sucking on her toes, he fantasizes about a male penis!
drunkbh: small penis at that, huh?
wichi_d2: the thing is the gf is listening to the show and recognizes his voice
wichi_d2: calls in the station and they start fighting over the phone
wichi_d2: she says on top of having a small dick you're gay?
drunkbh: I just spit pepsi everywhere

I heard this on the radio today and laughed my ass off. It's a parody about S Florida.
Welcome To The Tropics.

Posted by drunkbh :: 1:59:00 AM :: 13 comments

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