Dirty Blonde

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

FUCK WILMA!!!!!!!!!

Fuck Wilma and fuck FEMA.

When I said that I was freaked out Monday, I lied. I was fucking scared. My bed had started shaking from the winds. I could see entire trees flying down the streets. I spoke too soon when I said that a tree missed my car. Tree # 1 missed my car. Tree #2 missed my car. Tree #3 centered my car. Of course this was the biggest tree. Let's not forget that tree #4 took the corner off my house.

No electricity, no water and Nextel was out. I just got electricity. Cold showers suck ass! I guess the water wasn't such a big deal since we were not allowed to drink or bathe in it anyway.

FEMA are fucking idiots! They ship all the ice and water down to Miami where it is not needed. Their water is still drinkable. Broward county got hit the hardest of anywhere in the state. Guess where I live. They promised us ice and water yesterday at certain locations starting at noon. They never showed up! The trucks were stuck in Marathon waiting to be feuled. Guess what dumbasses? Why not try to get the supplies to the hardest hit areas first. Broward county has just now been approved for assistance from FEMA. Imagine all the people that waited outside for 7 hours for ice and water only to be told that it wouldn't be coming. These people were waiting in their cars while their gas was running out. Did I tell you that there is not a single gas station in the county working? No electricity= no gas.

Here's what happened:
Wilma hit the west side of Florida at a category 3. She slowed down to a category 2 while moving over the Everglades. Then, she started to intensify back to a category 3 as she passed Broward. It seems that hurricanes are more destructive as they are intensifying. Add that to the fact that the eye passed directy over us. My town is fucked. It really is sad to go out and look at all the destruction everywhere. Half the buildings here are gone. There are barely any trees left standing. There's not a single traffic light still hanging.

Posted by drunkbh :: 6:58:00 PM :: 31 comments

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