Dirty Blonde

Friday, October 14, 2005

How many licks does it take??????

Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
Hmmm....Lets's see





Crunch!.....I guess the world will never know.

You're about to find out (at least my version). How many licks does it take? I guess that would depend on who's doing it and how well they do it.
Guys, if you want to get to the center of her tootsie pop, you have to know how to work it. It's not a race. There's not a prize for who finishes first. Slow it down.
Take your time.
Touch it.
Taste it.
Start on the outside and work your way in. Use you hands...your fingers...your tongue. If she wants, use your teeth...light nibbling. Tease her. Make her want more. Go around the clit, grazing it occasionally. Pay attention to her breathing. Deep breaths means she's enjoying it. Short, shallow breaths usually means she's cumming.
Some women like it gentle. Some like it rough. Some like it gentle at first and then rough. If she's not willing or able to tell you what she likes then you'll have to figure it out. If she grabs your hair and pulls you into her, chances are that you're doing it correctly.
If you can't do it right, please just skip this step and move on. There's nothing worse than a guy that doesn't know how to eat out.
On to other things. I have been challenged. I took the challenge before I got all the details. So, currently, I am working out the details with him. Pictures should follow. Yes, the challenge involved posting pictures.
It's big new to me anyway. Will made me Friday's WOW girl at The Trailer Of Love. Go check it out. NOW!
Guilty pleasure of the day:
Somewhere In Between

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:58:00 PM :: 13 comments

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