Dirty Blonde

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I'm still here

Don't expect too much from me on this post. I have one of the worst hangovers I've ever had. Lastnight, I went to a local bar to hear a band that I've known since I was a teen. They played pretty damn good. The chicks in the bar were giving me dirty looks. I dress like a Floridian now not a hick Tennesseean. I would just look them straight in the eye and mouth "What bitch?" Alcohol makes me aggressive...a little too much. The bars close at midnight here. That has to be the biggest crock of shit! Midnight! Fucking idiots! Anyways, the band invited us back to their place afterwards to listen to them play more. Of course, I went. I'm not going to go home buzzed and watch TV the rest of the night. I had already downed 6 Coronas. So, we went to their house and listened to them play for a few hours. I had 2 more beers there. I was doing fine until I smoked. Yep, I said it! I smoked Mary Jane, Ganja, the herbal remedy. Suddenly, the room was spinning. I fucking mean spinning. I said "I'm ready to go NOW!" Some goober kept begging me to stay.
Him- "I'll get you some food."
Me- "No"
Him- "I don't want you to go"
Me- "I don't care. I feel sick."
Him- "You can throw up over there, under the stairs."
Me- "I don't fuckin' think so. You go throw up under the stairs."
Him- "Come on stay."
Me- "NO!"
Him- "I want to see you again before you leave."
Me- "Dude, I'm not gonna fuck you, okay? Give it up!"....He finally did after that.

The drive home was the longest of my life. I couldn't close my eyes because every time I did I felt like vomiting. Finally, we made it home. I made a mad dash for the bathroom where I spent most of the night hugging the porcelain god. I woke up in the bathroom still hugging the porcelain god. Now, I feel like shit. There will be no partying tonight.

I'm not telling the whole story. Use your imagination for the rest.

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:53:00 PM :: 25 comments

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