Dirty Blonde

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tagged again!

I've been tagged by my twin separated at birth, Nameless. If I dream about her ass, is that incest?
I wish I got tagged this much in real life.
10 Things I wish would come back.

1- Keith
2- Screaming orgasms, not the drink
3- My ability to play pool. I used to be able to kick anyone's ass. Now, I'm ashamed to pick up a stick.
4- Caramel Corn. Not the shit you buy at the store either. The kind that you would buy at the candystore as a child. You could smell it a few blocks down the road....Almost as good as #2.
5- My patience. I'm not sure if I ever had any but I think that at one point in my life I must have.
6- My ability to wear stillettos for any extended period of time. I broke my foot 2 years ago and I can only wear them for a few hours. Hey, I'm short damnit. I need the extra height.
7- S'mores. The real ones. They can only be done over a campfire. I'm sure somewhere there are people still doing this. You try standing next to a campfire in Florida. I'd be cooked before the fucking marshmallow.
8- Hospitality. Please, thank you, you're welcome...Where the fuck did these go? I grew up in the hospitality business. Yes, I can carry on a perfectly normal, polite conversation and you wouldn't have a clue that I'm a closet freak.
9- Sleepless nights...I'll let you come to your own conclusion on that one.
10- Age 25.

Being in Tennessee for a week made me realize one thing. The music there sucks ass. If you don't like country, you're fucked! I did find a classic rock station which got me by for a week along with my ipod. This brings me to the song of the day, which is also the first concert I ever went to. It wasn't that long ago. I'm still 25 damnit!

Bad Company
'How About That'

Posted by drunkbh :: 1:43:00 PM :: 26 comments

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