Dirty Blonde

Monday, October 31, 2005

Move over Siskell & Ebert

I had absolutely nothing better to do today than rate movies. These are only my personal opinions. In my world they are the law. Unfortunately, they don't seem to matter as much in the real world. So, I might as well get on with the law...ummm, I mean my opinions.

Best Movie Based On A Book
I have to give this to The Lord Of The Rings. I realize that the movies did leave out a lot of the books. However, they would of had to make at least three more movies in order to cover the entire series. I have to give the Harry Potter series their props as well. They are more like the books than the Rings trilogy but they are just lacking that extra something that makes the difference between good and great.

Worst Movie Based On A Book
It by Stephen King wins this one. The movie was loosely based ,at best, on the book. I can't even begin to describe how bad this movie sucked. Even if I had never read the book ,which can make you biased, I still would have thought that it sucked.

Worst Sequel
Highlander:The Quickening. I have a brilliant idea. Let's take a cult classic and completely go against the entire basis of the movie. They took the lead character from being a human who learned he was immortal in the first movie to being an alien that was vanquished to Earth in the sequel. They should have left the original alone. Then again, I don't like sequels. After all, "There can be only one"

The Movie I thought I Would Hate But Didn't
I almost ashamed to admit this one. I loved Jackass. When I saw the previews, I swore it looked like the most idiotic movie. When I finally saw it, I laughed my ass off. There are a few skits that are stupid but overall it was hilarious. Give a bunch of immature men the means to do whatever they want and this is what you get. Also, Johnny Knoxville is from Knoxville, TN. Right next to my hometown. I had to throw that in.

Best Overall Movie
Legends of the Fall. This movie has everything... war, sex, romance, friendships, family bonds and Adian Quinn. I'll bet you thought I was going to sat Brad Pitt. Nope, I've had a thing for Mr. Quinn since he was in Reckless. Plus, he has the best scene in the movie when he shoots the sheriff and then cocks the gun.

Posted by drunkbh :: 1:06:00 AM :: 15 comments

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