Dirty Blonde

Friday, October 28, 2005

I should never be left alone in the dark

There was a few electrical problems last night. It gave me a chance to think inward. Okay, not really. I just pondered stupid shit as usual. For instance: Does anybody remember all the stupid shit your parents told you as a child that you actually believed? What if they were all true?

There you have it. I thought of more but I've slept since then so only a little nugget remained. I really must make better use of my time.

Song of the day. Yep, I'm back to that. Who remembers Eddie & the Cruisers? Guess what. Eddie wasn't singing. It was John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band. This song was a bitch to find. Plus, for some reason it's showing some Stargate clips instead of a video. It's the best I could find.

On The Darkside

Posted by drunkbh :: 11:35:00 AM :: 7 comments

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