Dirty Blonde

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wake me up please!

I seem to be having the same dreams over and over again. There are slight variations from dream to dream but overall it's the same scenarios. I wish my imagination was as good when I'm asleep as it is when I'm awake.

Dream #1- I keep dreaming that I am losing my teeth. I know it sounds strange but in my dreams it's really disturbing. They just start falling out one by one. Some of them just break apart while others come out whole. The entire time I am walking around with my hand over my mouth so that no more will fall out. In the end, I look like the toothless wonder(that's a nice visual). This has been the most common dream recently. I'm not sure what it means. I'm not going to look it up because it's probably going to tell me that I'm vain.

Dream #2- I'm climbing a mountain. I've been mountain climbing several times so it's not like "Oh shit! What do I do now?" The only problem is that I'm doing it with no gear. I've fallen several times in my dreams but have always come out unscathed. Maybe that is why this dream doesn't scare me. I'm always climbing to get to someplace important. I have yet to make it to the final destination. Maybe that's why I keep having this dream.

Dream #3- I'm going to call this one a nightmare. I dream that I am back together with my ex. In my dream I'm always like "How the fuck did I get back in this situation?" It's always the same ex. To say that I hate his guts would be an understatement. I hope the fucking pig rots in hell. I've had this dream/nightmare a lot.

There you have it. In my dreams, I am a toothless wonder that can't get anywhere and keeps getting stuck with a cocksmoker. Those have been the most recent dreams that keep happening. It's strange that I don't dream about sex more often. Then again, when I do dream about sex I always wake up before I'm finished if you know what I mean. Damnit!

I have been playing the hell out of the song of the day for the past week.

Taking My Life Away
Sidenote: The vacation is over. I now have to drive to another branch until ours gets electricity. I will be looking at about an hour drive every morning. That sucks cock considering my drive was 5 minutes.

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:00:00 PM :: 20 comments

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