Dirty Blonde

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I finally got the pictures back from Halloween Horror Nights. It wasn't quite as eventful as I had hoped but we still had a good time.

This is Slutgirl and me. I had to take a picture next to the warning sign. This was also the one and only ride that I waited in line for, 45 minutes. After that, it was drinking time. Okay, so maybe it was drinking time before but it was really drinking time after.
Joan and I decided that we had enough of the rides. So....we lost Vic and SG, not intentionally, and headed to the bar. SG finally caught up to us there. I think Vic took this pic but I'm not sure. BTW- He won't let me post his pic. Sorry Puzzy.
There is nothing more humbling than posting a fucked up picture of yourself. I have no fucking idea what I was doing. But yeah, I was trashed.
At last, my henna tattoo. It wasn't what I expected. This is a few hours after it was done. It darkened by the next day. It wore off within a week. I'm still debating the real one. I was told today that on the lower back it means that you like to fuck doggy or you're a slut. What's wrong with that?
BTW- I passed out a few minutes after this pic was taken. I woke up exactly the same way.

Posted by drunkbh :: 1:26:00 AM :: 27 comments

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