Dirty Blonde

Saturday, November 05, 2005


I have soooo been cockblocked. Technology has been giving me the big "Fuck you!" today.

1- I'll start with last night. I can't get my scanner to work. It will print pictures. It will even scan a picture and print it. It will NOT scan a picture to my PC. I just got the pictures from HHN that I want to post plus a few hurricane pictures that are freaky.

2- We have been blocked from Blogger at my job. How do I know? Halfway through my 11 fucking hour day it told me access denied. Do these fuckers actually think that I am going to actually work all day?

3- I can't get Yahoo Messenger working. I have uninstalled and installed it several times to no avail. I even tried repairing it which only locks my computer up. It only took me two times to figure that shit out.

4- And it just keeps getting better! MSN messenger wouldn't work either. It only took about an hour for me to get that shit up and running. However, I have lost all my contacts.

I realize that cockblock probably isn't the proper term for this but it sure as hell feels like it.

Vic- Use MSN (DB @ my hotmail address)

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:04:00 AM :: 15 comments

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