Dirty Blonde

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Home Sweet Home

I thought I would share a few pictures of what my town looked like. They have cleaned most of this up but there are still streets that are closed.

A big fucking tree took out the power lines and covered the road. Also, I'm not sure what that is in the picture. I'm hoping it's her finger.

This is my friend's boyfriend's apartment complex. I'm sure that shit was fun to clean up.

This is a view of the street that I live on. Yes, there is a sidewalk there.

Ficus trees don't do very well in hurricanes. They are top-heavy and they have shallow roots. FYI- This is not my car. We removed the tree before I thought about taking pictures.

These are my favorite pictures. It is a co-worker's apartment complex. All that shit on the ground was their roof.

Sidenote- I spent 5 hours today fixing my computer. I restored the system which wiped everything out. Then I spent hours loading all my programs back on. I did however lose all of my songs that I had on ITunes. I got my scanner working and I fixed yahoo. WOO-HOO!

Posted by drunkbh :: 2:01:00 AM :: 29 comments

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