Dirty Blonde

Friday, November 11, 2005

Is there a pill for this?

I have an addiction. I have finally come to terms with it....somewhat. I can go for days even weeks without it but then it starts calling me. I'm at my weakest when I am off on weekdays. This week I had two off in a row. My first day, I did great. I kept the temptation at bay. Today, I broke. I couldn't resist. I felt it drawing me in and I was captive. I went into a frenzy. When I finally stopped, I realized the damage that I had done.

No more online shopping for me.... at least for a week or two.
Damn you Victoria's Secret!
Damn you Sephora!

Song of the day:
Price To Play

Posted by drunkbh :: 11:04:00 PM :: 14 comments

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