Dirty Blonde

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Price Is Right?

What would you do for a million dollars? How far would you take it? Inquiring minds want to know.

I got this idea from Insanityinsk. She has some funny, interesting tales. You should go visit her.

Would you fuck a horse?
No.... But does a guy that is hung like a horse count?
Would you let people watch you have sex?
Uhhh...Yeah. Hell, for a million I'd even let them tape it. Vic, get the camera.
Would you have sex with someone of the opposite sex that you normally do? Would you switch teams?
Let's say we're not talking about A. Jolie, whom I would pay a million for. The answer would still be yes.
Would you perform anal sex?
Provided there was plenty of lube....Yes.
Would you participate in fetish activities?
Shit. I'd do that for free.... unless it involves horses.
Would you kill someone?
No...What good would a million do me when I am in jail for the rest of my life?
Would you hurt someone you love?
I would like to say no but in reality that's a lot of fucking money. I'm guessing it wouldn't take a million to be forgiven.
Would you eat shit?
Ummm....If I could get stoned first. Everything tastes good when you are stoned.
Would you alienate yourself from everyone you care about?
No.... They are worth more than that to me.
Would you masturbate in public?
Who says I don't? I would have to say yes. There would be exceptions to this. I couldn't do it in a church unless it's Calzone's and then it would be acceptable.

Song of the day. I have one thing to say. DAMN, I love Chris Cornell.

Show Me How to live

Posted by drunkbh :: 2:05:00 AM :: 35 comments

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