Dirty Blonde

Monday, September 12, 2005

Girls Gone Wild

First, I would like to apologize for the lameness of Saturday's post. I was in a Sudafed induced stupor when I wrote it....Bad cold! I get sick maybe once every two years and now happens to be the time. I left work early today because I felt like shit. I did however get the pictures developed today. I have my priorities in order just fine.

Saturday night was interesting to say the least. We ended up going to what I would call a pub in Boca. They had a live band which was pretty good...from what I remember. I was still high from the Sudafed plus I mixed that with alcohol. I promised myself not to drink too much and no dancing. That went out the door after about two drinks. We drank like fish and danced until we were all wet...and not wet in a good way.

This pic is when we first got there. I wasn't ready for the camera just yet. It was either this pose or the finger. I picked this one.
Dancing...Two beers later we were all dancing. Damnit! Why wasn't I ever in the middle? Also, why am I the only one that doesn't know that they are taking a picture? I don't even know who took the picture.
Aaahhh yes....grinding on the floor. We might have got a little dirty there but damn it was fun. I couldn't go down as far as she could. Then again, I didn't fall on my ass three times either.
This one is my favorite. After dancing all night I was fucking hot. The beer bottle was cold. Need I say more?
Last picture of the night. We were trashed at this point.
That's it! The rest of the pictures will be posted on Thursday. I had a good time. I always do. The only thing that surprised me about the night was the fact that I only got propositioned twice, once by a man and once by a woman. We pissed the man off so much that he screamed "I've fucked better looking than you!" Yeah, but tell me what you do when you are awake. I almost took the chick up on the offer. Maybe next time. I'm expecting us to show up on the next Girls Gone Wild video.

Song of the day
Stone Temple Pilots
Wicked Garden

Posted by drunkbh :: 10:03:00 PM :: 28 comments

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