Dirty Blonde

Monday, August 29, 2005

And it never stops....

So, I got tagged again. I've been putting this one off because I have to come up with 7 idiosyncracies peculiar to me. Basically this means that I have to give you 7 reasons why I'm a fucking oddball.

1- I have strange eating habits. First, I can eat more than two grown men in one sitting and still feel hungry. Second, my food must be arranged like a two year old's. My meat must never touch my vegetables which must never touch my bread. Third, I eat in everything in a certain order. Sides first and then the entree and then dessert. This is my routine and it cannot be changed...EVER!

2- I have aranchaphobia. This isn't a small fear for me. It's more like "Holy shit, kill that fucking bastard" It all started when I was a small child and a Wolf Spider crawled on my face. I also have what I like to call spider incidents. One fell in the tub with me while I was taking a bath. One crawled up my arm in the pool. One was dangling about a inch from my nose in a store...from my fucking hair. A few have crawled up my leg in bed. My last incident was about a month ago. A big fucker was crawling down my windshield in front of me...on the inside. I almost wrecked. I pulled the car over and jumped out and called everyone I knew to come kill it. Yeah, I'm a pussy but only when it comes to spiders.

3- I hate public restrooms. I know everybody hates them but I can take it to an extreme. I will leave a concert, a bar, a club anywhere rather than use their restroom. I will drive hours to use my own toilet. I'm not a clean freak. I can deal with my own germs, not other peoples. Wiping it off doesn't help. I still know that someone else's shit and piss germs all over over it. Wiping just spread it all around.

4- I'm dangerous when I'm bored. If I am bored everyone around me better watch out. I think of mischief to get into. If it amuses me, I will do it regardless of the consequences. I'm surprised I haven't landed in jail yet.
Okay, I'm done. Sorry but I can't think of more. I'm supposed to tag people. I don't feel like it. So, if you want to do it go for it. If not, I could care fucking less.

Posted by drunkbh :: 11:19:00 PM :: 14 comments

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