Dirty Blonde

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I'm bored

I don't have a damn thing to write about so I guess I will just ramble nonsense. Actually, there are a few things I will point out.

1- I finally put my links in alphabetical order. Some were deleted because I don't go there anymore because they bore me now.

2-I have a Yahoo mail account but still can't send e-mail. I can only reply. Compose then send, how damn hard is that? It just beeps at me.
I have a Hotmail account and I hate that fucker even more.

3-I hear that everyone has a flag now. Damn! I thought my perversion was something special.

4-I want to get music on my blog. I don't want it playing constantly. I want to have a link or something at the end of a post with a song.

5-I have never seen so much fighting in the blogworld (I'm not referring to you Heather**kisses**) People are visiting other blogs and threatening to kick everyones ass. Must be penis envy.

6-To set the record straight. I hate being called Drunk. I don't even keep any type of alcohol in my house ever. My nickname is DB. This is a true nickname not just something for blogworld. It's due to the fact that I am a bitch when I drink....only to guys that come up saying stupid shit. I do have a few other nicknames but I don't think I'll post those.

7-I have to work tomorrow. That sucks ass!

Posted by drunkbh :: 1:16:00 AM :: 8 comments

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