Dirty Blonde

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Three for tomorrow...errr today

Happy Birthday Martha!
Martha is now officially ummm....35
See! I was nice this year.
I'm off tomorrow. I hope all you suckas enjoy your day at work. There is a downside to this. Unlike my last weekday off when I just didn't feel like working, I will have to work this Saturday. For now, it feels good to know that I don't have to go in. I sound like a pre-schooler...na na na na boo boo. I don't have to work and you do!
My concert is tomorrow. I'm nervous for the first time. The crowd at a System Of A Down concert is pretty rough. I want to come out of the pit in one piece. I keep having visions of being squeezed like one of those dolls ,that when you squeeze it, the head pops out like a balloon.
It's 2:40 and I'm still wide awake.

Posted by drunkbh :: 2:44:00 AM :: 4 comments

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