Dirty Blonde

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I got tagged again

7 things
I got tagged by Seeker to answer this... You know I love this random shit.

Seven things I...

Plan to do before I die
1- Ride a Harley. If you've been with me for a while you know what I'm talking about.
2- Learn to play the guitar and drums
3- Get the hell out of Florida
4- Visit Europe
5- Go to a nude beach
6- Fly a plane...I'm scared of heights so this is a big deal to me.
7- Live my life the way I want with no regrets

Things I can do
1- Snow ski
2- Rappel
3- Lock my hands behind my back and bring them over my head to the front...double-jointed
4- Eat whatever the hell I want
5- Entertain myself
6- Get in anywhere free
7- Push myself harder than anyone I know

Things I can't do
1- Control my mouth
2- Control my actions...I don't really want to.
3- Drive anywhere without a map. I'm directionally challenged.
4- See my brother again...Watcher's got me reminiscing
5- Care what anybody thinks of me
6- Lie
7- Allow someone to hurt my friends

Things that attract me to the opposite sex
1- Eyes
2- Good sense of humor
3- Honesty
4- Nice arms
5- Driven...I don't care what it is
6- Compassion
7- Sometimes it's none of these things. It's just chemistry.

Things I say most
1- Whatever
2- Fuck...any variation of this
3- Blow me
4- I'm game
5- As if
6- Yeah, sure
7- No

Celebrity crushes
1- Jason Momoa
2- Dave Navarro
3- Angelina Jolie
4- Colin Farrell
5- Jason Momoa
6- Jason Momoa
7- Jason Momoa

People I want to take this quiz


Posted by drunkbh :: 3:28:00 AM :: 6 comments

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