Dirty Blonde

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I'm a thief

I'm a thief but I couldn't help it. I stole this from the faceless canadian. Before you begin, I want to let Heather know that I got the ass shot for her and more tittie shots for Badgod.
For Heather
For Badgod

1. Nervous habits?
I bite my lower lip when I'm nervous.
2. Are you double jointed?
Oh yeah baby!
3. Can you roll your tongue?
Not in the least.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?
5. Can you blow spit bubbles?
6. Can you cross your eyes?
Yes I can.
7. Tattoos?
Not yet. That's still the great debate...what and where.
8. Piercings?
Ears and navel.
9. Do you make your bed daily?
Every Sunday when I wash the sheets.
10. Which shoe goes on first?
Whichever one I find first.
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone?
Yes, I wish I had better aim.
12. On average, how much money do you carry?
Depends on where I'm going. anywhere from 20 to100
13. What jewellry do you wear 24/7?24 hours a day?
Navel ring.
14. Favourite piece of clothing?
What if I don't like clothing?

15. Do you twist your spaghetti or cut it?
Twist and suck....Sorry, I never outgrew it.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam?
Once as a child and I still have nightmares about it.
17. Do you use extra salt on your food?
18. How many cereals in your cupboard?
3- Grape Nuts, Cocoa Puffs and Apple Jacks. I like a variety
19. What is your favourite beverage?
Kiwi Berry Burner by Jamba Juice
20. What is your favourite fast food restaurant?
Taco Bell.
21. Do you cook?
I can but don't tell anybody.

22. How often do you brush your teeth?
Twice a day.
23. Hair drying method?
Air dry.
24. Have you ever coloured/highlighted your hair?
Highlight. This actually covers the name of this blog since I STILL don't believe I'm blonde. Light brown with highlights but dirty blonde sounded good.

25. Do you swear?
Like a fucking sailor.
26. Do you ever spit?
I prefer to swallow.

27. Animal?
28. Food?
Filet Mignon or Alaskan Crab Legs.
29. Month
June for obvious reasons.
30. Day?
Saturday because it's party day.
31. Cartoon?
32. Shoe brand?
Nine West.
33. Subject in school?
Math and English....wait. I have another Sex Ed.
34. Color?
35. Sport?
36. TV Shows?
I don't watch TV.
37. Thing To Do In The Spring?
Have fun.
38. Thing To Do In The Summer?
Please see the answer to #37.
39. Thing To Do In The Autumn?
Please see the answer to #37.
40. Thing To Do In The Winter?
Please see the answer to #37.
41. In The CD Player?
My own mix...all rock.
42. Person you talk on the phone most with?
I hate talking on the phone.
43. Reading?
Whatever book has my interest at the moment.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors?
Hell yeah.
45. What colour is your bedroom?
Oh..this is a touchy subject at the moment. My good sheets just tore...long story. So at the moment it's whatever I have on hand because as stated earlier I don't make my bed.
46. Do you use an alarm clock?
Yes, I have two and I still can't wake up.
47. Window seat or aisle?
Makes little difference. I hate flying.
48. What's your sleeping position?
69...Okay seriously I sleep on my right side.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?
Yep. I just don't wear clothes.
50. Do you snore?
Not that I know of. How would I know? I'm sleeping.
51. Do you sleepwalk?
I have before.
52. Do you talk in your sleep?
Unfortunatly yes. I can have an entire conversation while I'm still alseep.
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
54. How about with the light on?
If I happen to pass out with them on.
55. Do you fall asleep with the radio or TV on?
Please see the answer to #54.
56. Last interesting person you met.
In person...Damn it's been a while. The new girl I hired at work.

Posted by drunkbh :: 11:18:00 PM :: 18 comments

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