Dirty Blonde

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Short Post, I Promise

I'm going out tonight. I'm sure that's a big shocker. So, if anything good happens tonight, I will post about it tomorrow.

I've started a new game. It has to so with word veriFUCKation. If you have word veriFUCKation, I'm gonna make a sentence at the end of my comment that goes with the letters. Sometimes they might not make sense, like I give a shit.

I like the idea of Half-Naked Thursdays. So, you might want to check back on Thursday to see what I've cooked up. I've got my camera ready tonight.

Nine Inch Nails
Closer....You had to know that this song was coming.

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:53:00 PM :: 23 comments

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