Dirty Blonde

Friday, September 09, 2005

What the hell am I going to do?

Tomorrow/today is Friday and I have no plans for the weekend. Damn, I'm slacking. I have nothing to post about today so I guess I will babble about dumb shit that happened today at work.
*Vagina Monologues seemed to be a topic of discussion since the concert last Friday. It seems that someone who shall remain nameless...*cough, cough,Vic*, initially thought that it was about talking pussies. Yeah, I know I said pussy. I like that word much better than vagina. Actually, I prefer the word cunt, but we won't get into that. Anyways, VICTOR thought that it would be a bunch of pussies with someone moving the lips to make it seem like they would talk. This conversation sparked the idea of a Penis Monologues. I would so pay to see that....Wait...Can I be an extra? Maybe a fluffer???
*Again I was asked at work "What are we dressing up as for Halloween?" We always have a theme that everyone has to conform to in order to participate. I gave my standard answer. "This year will be the Pimps & Hoes Ball. I will be coming naked." The funny part is that everyone seems to think that I am joking. Maybe I wouldn't go naked but I would be as close to it as possible. I might need help with the Saran Wrap.
*I actually blushed today. Victor was witness to this. I actually did it to myself. Have you ever said something out loud and not even realized that you said it? I was standing at my desk, right next to a lobby full of people, when I heard someone outside blowing their horn HARD. As soon as I said it I realized what I had done. The people in the lobby turned around and started looking at me. Let me explain. I have to act professional in front of the customers. I can do whatever I want in front of the staff. On another note, the staff had to take a sexual harassment awareness quiz this week. What did I say...."You horn blows. Do you?"
*Lisa(That's right bitch, I called you by your name) and I have decided to become lesbians. We have even worked out all of the positions that we will use. We just need two more volunteers....1 male and 1 female. Okay, so maybe not lesbian just bi.
*This last one is just for my benefit. HOLY SHIT! A hottie came into the bank today. I know who he is. I've even seen him out a few times awhile back. My question is...When the hell did he get so fine? I was actually starting to sweat. Damn!!!!
Taking My Life Away
You Shook Me All Night Long ...wishful thinking

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:58:00 AM :: 22 comments

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