Dirty Blonde

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Lies Lies Lies

Sorry but I have to bitch a little. I have a huge fucking pet peeve. I hate being lied to. I know. I know. Everybody does. I don't mean convenience lies, the ones that you to tell rather than give some huge explanation that wouldn't make a difference either way in the end. My problem is that I have a keen bullshit radar. I can usually tell when someone is lying to me. If I know for a fact that someone is lying to me, you're damn right, I'm going to call their ass out. But, if my bullshit radar goes off and I'm not sure about it, I'll just sit back and observe. If it goes off again, their stock just went down 10%.

Men- I'll start with the men that are trying to score. They'll tell you anything to get a piece. "I love you. I've never felt like this before." *cough* *Bullshit* *cough* What the fuck is wrong with these guys? Okay, so maybe this works on some women but I'd rather have a guy be honest for once. I would prefer "You know, I really want to fuck you." to all the rest of the bullshit. At least it's honest.

Employees- It's my job at the bank to make sure we are in compliance. Basically, I have to make sure all the shit is done correctly. If it's wrong, it's my ass no matter who screwed up. If they fuck up, I must know immediately in order to correct it. For instance, I get a call from the beneficiary of a deceased accountholder. It seems the account was closed after their death but not by the beneficiary. Here's what went down
Me:"Who closed the account?"
Dumbass employee: "The power of attorney."
Me: "Did you know the accountholder was dead?"
Dumbass employee: "Ummm...."
Me: "Fine! Did you have them sign the affidavit?"
Dumbass employee: "What affidavit?"
Me: "The affidavit that states that the POA has not been revoked and that the person is still alive. You know, the one that will keep your ass from being canned?"
Dumbass Employee- "Oh.... yeah."
Needless to say dumbass employee did not have them sign the affidavit. Why is this important? Because a POA basically dies with the person. You are acting on their behalf. You can't act on the behalf of a dead person. This one was a real fucking sweet mess to clean up.

Friends- Most of my friends know me well enough not to lie to me. But every now and then, one of them will try to pull one over on me. These are usually the little white lies that are told to persuade another into a certain way of thinking. I once had a friend(still do) that didn't want to ride with the group to the club. I know why. She wanted to leave early. She didn't say that though. I heard "I don't think we should ride with Celia. She's had a lot to drink(one drink). Also, I don't like the way she drives. She scare me. You know what I mean? Me and you should ride together." Not only did she want to leave early, she also wanted company along the way. I knew what was going on but I just couldn't play along. Had she asked me honestly, I would have ridden with her. Because she tried to fool me, bitch rode alone.

I am not shy, vulnerable, sensitive, forgetful or, passive. I am stubborn, aggressive and a bitch. Still, I get lied to.

I seem to be on a Default kick recently. So sue me!

Live A Lie

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:17:00 PM :: 30 comments

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