Dirty Blonde

Sunday, September 18, 2005


I thought I would compile a list of random shit about myself. Some of you already know some of these things.

* As a child, I believed that there was some type of evil, horrible creature under me bed that plotted to carry me off to another dimension where I would be tortured for eternity. To this day, not even a finger can hang over the edge of my bed at night.

* I hate tomatoes but I love tomato products. Cooking it changes the flavor. Raw tomatoes remind me of boogers. It's a texture thing.

* I must be medicated to fly on a plane. I have an unnatural fear of heights.

* I can't have sex drunk. I should say, I won't have sex drunk. I can't have an orgasm when I'm drunk so what's the point. Stoned is a totally different story.

* I've said this before. I hate being called drunk. Drunk Bitch was started because I'm a bitch when I drink. I prefer DB. I'm also called Hot Boss at work. It's really not a compliment considering what the other managers look like. If either of these are not suitable, call me Renee. It's my middle name.

* I hate being the passenger in a car. It's a control issue. I also hate driving long distances. My dislike for driving distances overrides my dislike of being a passenger. It's a no win situation.

* I am an exihbitionist. Why? I'm really not sure. I guess I like being looked at. However, you will NEVER see nude pictures of me.

* I can tune anything out. As a child, my mother took me to the doctor to get my hearing check. She was told that I could hear fine and that I was just ignoring her. Nothing's changed. I will intentionally ignore people that get on my nerves. I'm so good at it that I can pinpoint a specific voice to tune out and hear everything else.

* I hate sushi. I've tried several varieties and every one of them make me gag literally.

* If I drink, I only drink Corona or Bud Light. I'm a cheap date...unless you take me to dinner where I could empty a wallet with my appetite.

* If I want to do something, I do it. I don't think about the consequences. I don't want to regret missing out on anything. Life is too short to waste opportunities.

* I can't cry. The last time I cried was December 5th 2001, when I saw my brother dead. Even then, I only shed a few tears. Something inside of me won't allow me to show weakness.

* I have owned every pet imaginable...cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, fish, horses and turtles. I'm currently on Leopard Geckos.

* I refuse to argue. I have no problem with someone not agreeing with me.

* I never forget if someone wrongs me. I can forgive but I can never forget.

* I still sometimes dream that I can fly. Once, I had read what this meant but I have forgotten it since.

* I would fight for a friend more fiercely than I would for myself. Most of my friends are not that thick-skinned. I can't stand by and watch them being hurt.

* I've tried to learn Spanish but the only thing that I remember is the profanity. It must be how my brain works.

There you have it...A bunch of totally useless information.

I'm feeling a little nostalgic so the song for today will be old. It also happens to be one of the longest fucking songs ever.

Led Zeppelin
Stairway To Heaven

Posted by drunkbh :: 3:14:00 AM :: 18 comments

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