Wednesday, September 27, 2006
It's that time of year again. That's right.... It's football season. As you may or may not know, I am a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I have been for over 13 years. I've seen the good and the bad. I've seen them win three superbowls and a few years later be one of the worst teams in the league. I've seen them win their division only to fuck up in the playoffs. During all this time, I remained a true fan. I didn't jump on the bandwagon of the team of the day even though my team blew ass at the moment.....However.....I'm rethinking my mindset on football. This revelation came by the way of Dallas' new player, Terrell Owens. I wholeheartly agree that he is an excellent player whom I'm sure one day will make it into the Hall of Fame. However, this mother fucker gets on my nerves. He is and has been for a few years the diva of the NFL. The most recent event that has me perplexed is the alleged suicide attempt. I have a few issues with this.
1- He denies it saying that the pain medication that he was on for his broken finger didn't react well with the supplements that he was taking. Yeah.... I'll remember that one the next time that I get pulled over. "Officer, I'm not drunk. The 10 beers that I drank had an adverse reaction to my herbal vitamins. My weaving has nothing to do with the alcohol." Just fucking admit that you took too many pills and you had to get your stomach pumped.
2- He broke his fucking finger. He didn't have his knee replaced. It wasn't major surgery. They put a plate and screws in so that he would not injure it further. I keep reading that he was on pain meds because he was in excruciating pain. If he wants excruciating, he should try listening to himself whine like a little bitch for a few hours. He needs to grow some balls to be able to handle a little pain.
3- If he was actually trying to kill himself, which I doubt because he loves himself way too much, that was a weak attempt. If you want to kill yourself, put a fucking gun to your head a pull the trigger. Anything else and you are probably a pussy that just wants attention.
Posted by drunkbh ::
11:59:00 PM ::
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Monday, September 11, 2006
I have to be at work in a little over 5 hours. Fuck it! I can't sleep. I did, however, find out that I've been a bad girl. I love these little things. You have to answer yes or no to each thing to see what your sins are worth.
Smoked pot-- $10
Got drunk, passed and don't remember the night before-- $20
Went skinny dipping-- $5
Had sex in a pool-- $20
Kissed someone of the same sex-- $10
Had sex with someone of the same sex $20
Cheated on your g/f or b/f -- $10
Cheated on your g/f or b/f with their relative or close friend--$20
Done oral-- $5
Got oral-- $5
Done / Got oral in a car while it was moving --$25
Prank called the cops-- $5
Stole something-- $10
Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars--$20
Had sex with someone 10 years older-- $20
Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27--$25
Cried yourself to sleep-- $5
Cried during sex--$20
Been in love-- $25
Been in love with two people or more at the same time --$50
Said you love someone but didn't mean it-- $25
Went streaking-- $5
Went streaking in broad daylight --$15
Been arrested-- $5
Spent time in jail --$15
Peed in the pool-- $0.50
Played spin the bottle-- $5
Done something you regret-- $20
Had a crush on your best friend--$5
Had sex with your best friend --$20
Had a crush on someone at work --$5
Had sex with someone you work with at work --$25
Lied to your mate --$5
Lied to your mate about the sex being good --$25
I got 325.50. Yeah, I've peed in a pool.
Posted by drunkbh ::
1:39:00 AM ::
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