Dirty Blonde

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I spent almost an hour typing a long post regarding my absence and I lost the fucker. I'm too damn lazy to type everything over again so you'll get the condensed version.

The auditor has been in town. Not only has she been in town but she has been at our branch. For those of who who don't know what that means...... If she finds that we fuck up too bad, all and I mean ALL the managers will lose their jobs....Especially me because my job is the operations of the bank.

Now to the good stuff.... I will be attending the Global Music Gathering this Saturday. Holy fuck I can't wait. I know I've said this before but I really mean it this time. I plan on being bad...real bad. I haven't went out in a few weeks and I need to unwind. Vic always tells me that I'm bad but I'm good at it. He hasn't seen bad yet.

Question...Is it cheap to go back to a store days later to ask for the 1.50 they overcharged you?
A friend of mine did that. It took them 30 minutes to figure out how to do the refund. I'm sure the clerk was thinking the same thing I thought... "You should have realized it the first time you dumb bitch!" Also, I wonder how much gas she burned going back and forth for her 1.50.

Posted by drunkbh :: 11:52:00 PM :: 14 comments

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