Dirty Blonde

Friday, February 24, 2006

Spay, Neuter or Masturbate?

Should you spay or neuter your cat to decrease the amount of unwanted animals? There is another solution. We can all thank Jungle Jane for the idea....Or at least giving me the idea. It seems that every time you masturbate, a kitten dies. That being said, it would probably be a good idea to never spay or neuter your cat. They could be at risk of extinction. I personally am responsible for the deaths of at least two innocent kittens last week alone.

The public needs to be made aware of this catastrophe in the making. All personal sexual device boxes should contain a warning such as "May cause death in felines." Every lotion bottle should contain a similar warning.

On the upside, men that jerk off can take great delight in knowing that they really are fucking a pussy.

**I know this is sick and twisted but it amused the hell out of me**

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:35:00 PM :: 21 comments

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