Dirty Blonde

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Rarely do I read news that infuriates me so much that I feel the need to rant about it here but that all changed yesterday. Even when New Orleans mayor, Ray Nagin, called for rebuilding a Chocolate City I was not even mildly irritated at his racist comments. I was more amused at his stupidity at making such an idiotic public statement. However, Rev Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church displays of inhumanity pissed me off so much that I now understood why some people should be sterilized at birth. Rev. Phelps leads a group that protests the funerals of soldiers that have been killed in battle. His message is that America is a country that supports homosexuality and that God is killing these soldiers as retaliation. They say that the IED, improvised explosive device, is the sword of God. Really, I thought it was a fucking bomb. These people carry signs to the funerals that read "Fag soldier in hell" and "Thank God for IEDs." They also held a protest at the funerals of the 12 miners that were killed holding similar signs, "Fag miner in hell." Maybe they should read the Quran to see why these bombing are really happening. They might be shocked to know that they would also be considered one of the infidels that these bombs are directed at. This church/cult is not sanctioned by another larger church. That's no surprise. Also, it is made up mainly of Rev Phelps' family(inbreeding might explain this.)

There is a group that has formed to counteract these idiots. They call themselves the Patriot Guard Riders. Basically they form a wall between the protestors and the mourners. They travel across the country to help these families. This group was formed after a group of American Legion Riders learned of one the protests at a soldiers funeral. It mainly consists of veterans and bikers. This group should be commended for seeing a wrong being committed and actively doing something to prevent it. I know where my donations will be sent this year.

I hope that when Rev. Phelps dies ( the sooner the better) people protest at his funeral holding signs that read "False prophet in hell."

You can read the full story here. I also found the church's website but I refuse to link it because I don't want to raise their page rank with even a single link.

Posted by drunkbh :: 10:55:00 AM :: 21 comments

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