Dirty Blonde

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Saturday sucked

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.....So did mine. Just once, I would like to accomplish what I set out to do. I have to admit that the weather did have a lot to do with it. We had a downpour Saturday. This hampered my Ft. Liquordale plan. None of us wanted to walk around in the pouring rain looking for clubs. We settled for a place, Beachfront, that was covered and had a few clubs to choose from. They were ummmmmm....... fuck it! They were BORING!!!!

This is the first club that we went to. They had dueling pianos. It was mildly entertaining for about two minutes. Amy, Slutgirl and I got some guy to take our picture. I'm still smiling in the picture so we must have just got there.
We decided that club #1 sucked ass so we moved onto club #2. As we were getting ready to leave, we ran into a co-worker Jo-Jo. What are the chances of that? She was on a hot date. She was also way more trashed than us. We should have stayed at this bar. The bartender was sending us drinks on the dancefloor. Ummmmm... Did I say free drinks?
We moved from club#2 to club #3. Club#3 was at the Hard Rock. It was a new club called Spirits. Amy had to go there because her boyfriend was there. We make it past the front and as we are entering the club the guy was ready to let us in and the chick tells him to make us pay. Pay what? Twenty fucking dollars!!!!! I'm not paying twenty dollars to get in any club unless I plan on seeing some strippers. Amy nixed that idea. I let her have her way because it was her birthday celebration. To make a long story short, we got in and we didn't pay. I have to say that place was not worth twenty dollars. Amy stayed at the bar while Slutgirl and I danced. I'm not sure why she's giving me a What The Fuck look.
This picture is from club#2. I'm calling them club #1 and club#2 because I don't remember their names. Normally I like to put the pictures in order of event but I had to save this little gem for last. I really had no idea what we had caught on film. Jo-Jo was dancing with her date. Slutgirl thought it would be cute to run up behind him and start dancing on him. Jo-Jo didn't mind neither did he. When I first saw the picture I was laughing because it looked like he had a face full of titties. That's not the best part. Look where he has his hands.

Kanye West


I'll bet this song shocked the hell out of everyone.

Posted by drunkbh :: 3:10:00 AM :: 15 comments

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