Dirty Blonde

Saturday, July 30, 2005


I'm getting ready to offend a lot of people. Screw em'. We have several variations of the english language. Patwah- This is island talk. I actually got a dictionary to decipher this shit. Then we have ebonics, broken english at it's best. What the fuck are these people saying? I've decided to start my own language. I'm gonna call it Whorebonics. After all, I am a rock whore. Actually, I'm a dirty blonde rock whore. Damn, I like the sound of that. Anyways, whorebonics will be the language of rock whores nationwide.

Here are the rules of Whorebonics:
* Bitch, slut, cunt, whore etc..; these will all be considered compliments. If you don't like it, lick my clit and if you can't do that right... NEXT?

* Ever sentence spoken must have some type of sexual undertone. Or, you must be able to twist everything into you hear into something sexual.
Example: Co-worker- I don't know why I am so tired.
Me- You shouldn't have sucked so much cock lastnight.
Co-worker- I didn't do that!
Me- I'm sorry. Do you need lessons?

* The Golden Rule- Do and say whatever the fuck you feel. If someone doesn't like it fuck em'.

We are now taking applications to become an official Whorebonics member. If you can't follow these rules you need not apply because we will laugh in your pansy-ass face.

Posted by drunkbh :: 12:26:00 PM :: 12 comments

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