Dirty Blonde

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tales of Inbredville

I'm back from Inbredville and the trip was ummmm....... Interesting. I had decided to drive there because I'm just too damn cheap to pay $500.00 for a ticket. It would only cost about $200.00 in gas to drive there and back. I would pay for that decision on the drive back.

I'll start with the most memorable part of the trip. My cousin was put in the hospital my second day there. It seems that he has decided to become a junkie over the past year. His excuse was that he was upset over his divorce. He went from snorting cocaine and popping pills to shooting up OxyContin. I assume they grind then burn the pill so that it will be injectable. Basically, he shot up so much that both of his arms were infected to the point that he couldn't even move them. My family was scared to take him to the doctor because they were afraid they would give him more drugs. I kept telling them to just tell the doctor that he was a junkie and fix whatever was wrong but don't give him drugs. When they took him, the doctor told them that if they had waited any longer he would have died. At first they thought they were going to have to do surgery to remove tissue from his arms because they were so bad. Later they decided to poke holes in his arms to try to drain some of the infection. He will have to go to physical therapy to use his arms again. He is now a diabetic because of all the drugs that he did. He will have to take insulin for the rest of his life. Also, his kidneys and his liver are destroyed. I'm not sure what they plan to do about that. I became detached after learning that he refused to go to detox. He thinks he can get off the drugs by himself. Anyone that shoots up 500mg of Oxy a day can't do it themselves. By the way, Oxy has a street value of one dollar per mg. That means that he was spending about $500.00 a day on his habit. He has put his father in debt over 100K. His parents seem oblivious to it. They kept telling me that they would help him and he would beat it. They didn't want to believe that their son was so messed up that he needed outside help. I asked them how they were going to feel when he died. I asked them what they were going to tell his two small children about how their daddy died. I asked him the same thing. I know I seem like a cold bitch but I wanted to get the point across. He has a 2 year old and a 6 year old. They need to think about what this is doing to the children. His life should belong to those children not himself. I have no doubt that he will die if they don't get him in rehab. You can't force a person to go to rehab if they don't want to but they are not even willing to push the issue with him. Basically, I gave up.

On a lighter side, I did some shopping. I got an ankle bracelet and a navel ring ( Mine fell out at the last club I went to.) Also, I got a digital camera. I'm going to get into so much trouble with that thing.

I guess I should talk about the drive back. I took I40 which takes you through North Carolina. I40 takes you over the mountain in NC. My dumb ass decided to leave at midnight. It also happened to be the coldest day yet. This was the one day that I didn't call to get the temperature. It was ranging from 25 to 15 degrees. Anyhoo... As I was driving it started snowing. The higher on the mountain I got the more it snowed. It got to the point that it looked like a blizzard. I couldn't see the road. I couldn't see anything. Everything was white. This isn't a good predicament to be in when you've got a 300ft drop on one side of the road. Needless to say, my 12 hour drive took over 16 hours on the return trip.

I also fell in love on my vacation. Where I am from, they have absolutely no good radio stations. If you don't like country you are fucked. I did find one station that played a little Bud Light Rock and with some Pop and Rap. There was no real Rock or Metal. Why am I in love? I bought an adaptor that plays my IPod on my car stereo. I'd marry the thing if I could.

I'm back to the song of the day. I plan on playing a lot of this group until Feb. Who else can scream like that and still sound good.


Posted by drunkbh :: 12:29:00 PM :: 19 comments

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