Dirty Blonde

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Why do people ask for advice yet never listen when it's given? They keep going back to the same old shit over and over again. Everybody and their fucking mother comes to me for relationship advice but not a single person ever actually listens. Yeah, I'm the friend that WILL tell you I told you so not "Oh, you poor baby."

DB's dating rules

I'm sorry. I just don't get it. I see so many people letting another control their every action, their every thought. If someone makes you feel that bad about yourself, GOODBYE! As you can see, I'm real fun to date. I don't take shit from anyone and I do whatever I feel like.

This is for Amy, not that she'll listen....Dumbass!

Posted by drunkbh :: 10:39:00 PM :: 30 comments

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