Sunday, January 15, 2006
I never win.
Why can't I be #1 just once? I check out my stats today and the closest I came was #4.
Here's what people were looking for when they found me:
- All chick no dick. I came in 4th on this one.
- Everything girl. I came in 6th on this one.
- Dirty pictures. I came in 9th here.
- Dirty girl. I came in 7th..... I should have been much higher here.
- Fucking ten years old girl. I came in 4th. I'm sorry I even made that one.
- Snelching. I gave up looking for where I came in on this one but I would like to congratulate Danny for making 1st place here.
Yeah, I know it's stupid but this shit amuses the hell out of me. I need something to make me feel better. I think I'll listen to a little Chris Cornell. Damn, I love his voice.
Posted by drunkbh ::
9:43:00 PM ::
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