Dirty Blonde

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

How I spent my Monday

For some reason I was at it again yesterday. I blame it all on Joan who got me a gift card from Sephora. I just couldn't let it go to waste. I should explain that I hardly ever buy makeup from them even though that's what they are knopwn for. The last actual makeup that I bought was a blush and gloss combo from Nars named Multiple Orgasms. How could I resist that? I usually buy soaps, shampoos & lotions from them. I haven't used a drug store bought product on my body in years. It's my one big indulgence. Okay...... Its' one of my big indulgences. It seems that Victorias's Secret was having a nice sale..... Another thing I can't resist is lingerie.

The rest of my day was spent watching the television. Since I hardly ever watch TV, I ended up watching Discovery Health all day. It was a marathon of Plastic Surgery: Before & After. I saw a lot of breast augmentations, breast lifts with implants, tummy tucks, neck lifts and liposuction. After watching that all day I pray that I grow old gracefully. They also had a lot of whole body lifts. This is done when people lose a lot of weight. Their skin has been stretched out so far that it won't come back. Their bodies look like Shar-Peis. The doctor basically cuts all the excess skin off and sews the ends together. I commend these people on losing all the weight but if I ever get that big I hope someone shoots me. Yeah.... have body issues especially with my own. I think all women do. Will I cover myself up and never go out because of it? Hell no! I'll just hit the gym more. I don't want to be on some show where they are pulling my face back and cutting off parts of my skin.

Anyhoo..... Let's see if I have a more productive day today.

Posted by drunkbh :: 1:12:00 PM :: 22 comments

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